Meditation Offerings

Golden Hour Counseling, PLLC - Virtual Guided Group Meditation

Whether you’re new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice, this event offers a valuable opportunity to explore the benefits of meditation within a welcoming community. Secure your spot today and experience the transformative power of meditation!

Timeframes: Community members may choose to book Virtual EXPRESS (30-minute) or Hour-long (60-minute) guided meditations. Sunrise Guided Meditation & Ocean Plunge will take place every second Sunday, from June- September (45 minutes).

Schedule: Attendees will be offered a private journaling prompt before beginning their meditation. Your GHC Guide will lead you through a guided meditation. The group will have the opportunity to reflect on their experience post-meditation. Attendees may participate in this meditation series as much as they feel comfortable.

Benefits of Meditation: Regular meditation helps decrease anxiety and improve stress management. It is known to improve concentration, elevate mood, and promote emotional health. Become more aware of yourself and grow personally.

Event Details: The event cost is a nonrefundable payment of 18$, which can be paid at the below link. Upon payment, you will immediately receive a receipt by email, which includes all details about this rejuvenating experience. A GHC member is available by email at or by phone at 413 238 1088 for any questions or concerns regarding this event.

What You’ll Need: Setting up for a virtual guided group meditation involves a few key steps to ensure a smooth experience for all participants. First, choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Maybe find a tranquil spot in your home where you can sit or lie down comfortably without interruptions. Lighting should be soft and soothing, possibly enhanced by candles or dimmed lights to create a calming atmosphere.

Technology setup is crucial. Test your internet connection beforehand to avoid disruptions during the session. Golden Hour will be utilizing our HIPAA-Compliant GMeet Service to run this event. You will receive a link to attend this event upon purchase. Ensure your camera and microphone are of good quality so that your guidance is clear and audible. Attendees have the option to turn their camera on/off and should remain ‘muted’ unless they are sharing with the group. We look forward to meditating with you!