Welch-Dickey Guided Hike Prep

Today, I traveled north. Welch Dickey Loop is a 4ish mile-long hike with some incredible views for every season. As your GHC owner and (more excitingly) Wilderness CPR First Aid Guide, it’s important to prepare as much as possible for our guided hike on July 19th.

The weather could not have been more perfect today. 70 Degrees with a light breeze, some clouds, blue skies, and warm sun. I woke up to beat the Memorial Day traffic and crowds at the trailhead. I started my driving journey the way I always do- by copying and pasting the trailhead coordinates from all trails. If you don’t have alltrails, get the app and pay for it! It has location data even when you don’t have service. The hour forty drive was nice. I made my Sunday morning yoga playlist and sipped my coffee on the way. After driving down a short dirt road that any vehicle could access, I paid to park my car. The National Park Service now has electronic pay to park! Although parking fees are not exciting, 100% of proceeds collected from NPS go directly back into the park. I decided to dress and pack light today. When you aren’t sure what to wear, check the temperature then add 20 degrees- it’s how you will feel while active. Today, the top of the mountain was in the 60s, so I went with a noncotton tee and shorts. My kids’ Ospree and 2 L bladder did the trick. After putting on my bug spray, packing and using the bathroom, I was on the way to the top!

The first mile of the trail was covered in shady trees. The swaying in the breeze leaves rubbed together as I walked along a stream. It was chilly to start, but I warmed up quickly. The trail took me through moderate elevation with some not-so-bad rock scrambles in the dirt. I kept my gaze 10 feet or so ahead and scanned the ground back and forth to look out for roots, rocks, or animals. I took my first break at the tree opening, where I witnessed the first cliffside view of the Whites. Mountaintop vegetation is making its comeback with the heavy rains from last summer. NPS did a great job creating natural barriers for hikers to remain clear of. I stopped to take some pictures before heading up the now open-face granite to the top. The second half of the first had a steep elevation that was not awful with small steps and lots of breaks. On the way down Welch, there is some steepness too! I took my time and trusted my feet. The second peak, Dickey, was very similar. The trail looped back down to the start, where I hopped back in the car and went home. Did you want more? Join us in July to taste the entire thing!

Golden Hour Counseling, PLLC feels prepared and ready to guide you through Welch-Dickey Loop in the White Mountains. Please click on our ‘event’ page to learn more and sign up for this outdoor wellness event. This hike will include elements of yoga, self-refection, rest, activity, nourishment and community. I can’t wait to meet you on the trail.




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