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Parent Education Support Group- 10 Week Long Commitment

Join Amber Dupont, Special EducationTeacher, for a 10-week-long program dedicated to teaching individuals about special education in the public school sector!

Program Overview - 10 Week Breakdown

  1. Meet and Greet. Review and understand the special education referral process, types of evaluations, IEP timelines, and the components of an IEP vs 504 plan.

  2. Goals and Objectives. Discuss IEP goals, progress monitoring, and parent-teacher collaboration.

  3. Accommodations and Modifications. Learn about IEP accommodations and modifications and their impact on statewide, district-wide, and teacher-created assessments.

  4. Specialized and Approved Services. Information related to extended schooling and specialized transportation.

  5. Paraprofessionals and the Multidisciplinary Team. Preschool (itinerant vs in program) and Birth to 3 years of age.

  6. Special Education Law. Understand laws ensuring students the right to a free and appropriate public education.

  7. Procedural Safeguards. Know legal protections for students with disabilities and their families.

  8. Outplacement, Inplacement, and Private Schooling. Learn about outplacements/private schools vs the public sector as well as technical schools.

  9. Independent Living Preparation. Understand options of transition services, job coaches, and group homes.

  10. Mediation and Review of IEP Timelines. Mediation is a voluntary process where parents and schools resolve disputes with the help of a neutral third party, while the review of IEP timelines refers to the regular assessment and updating of a student's Individualized Education Program to ensure it meets their evolving needs, typically done at least once a year.

Parents should actively seek to understand Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and special education in the public sector to ensure their children receive the appropriate support and resources necessary for their academic and personal growth. Knowledge of IEPs empowers parents to advocate effectively for their child's unique needs, collaborating with educators to tailor educational plans that accommodate and enhance their learning experience. By being well-informed, parents can ensure that their children have access to specialized instruction, therapies, and accommodations that can significantly improve their educational outcomes. Furthermore, understanding the intricacies of special education laws and rights helps parents navigate the system more effectively, ensuring their children receive the services they are legally entitled to. This proactive involvement is crucial in fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment that promotes their child's overall well-being and success.

Meet Amber Dupont, M.Ed.

Amber is a devoted educator who champions the belief that every individual has something valuable to contribute to their communities and that all children possess the ability to reach their fullest potential. In her role, Amber is committed to providing students with personalized learning opportunities that empower them toward self-sufficiency. She approaches education with the perspective that students' unique qualities do not define them, but rather enhance their significance as community participants.

University Of Hartford [College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions]. (2022, April 6). Prepare Students to Overcome Any Challenge [Video]. Youtube. Retrieved June 23, 2024, from

Amber aims to equipt parents with the knowledge needed to make well-informed decisions regarding their children's education, working alongside a diverse team and serving as advocates within educational settings. Drawing on her extensive expertise in Special Education procedures, IEP and 504 Plans, Birth to 3 interventions, Special Education legislation, Mediation processes, and Transition Services, Amber's experience in both private and public sectors positions her as a valuable ally for parents seeking the best educational path for their child.

Amber has a Master's Degree in Special Education, and a dual- Bachelor's Degree in Child Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She holds certifications to work with neurodivergent students aged three to twenty-one and neurotypical students aged one to eight. Amber is currently working towards a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership, focusing on educational policy and innovative practices for a diverse range of children. She is launching the Especially Educated Parenting Program, providing parents with insights into special education and guiding them on creating a home-school partnership to support their child's journey towards independence in adulthood.

Cost: $38.50 per class, or $385.00 in full. You may choose to pay in full or contact us about a pricing plan to reserve your spot. See either options for payment below.

**Please contact us for payment plans. You should never be able to not access wellness due to its price point. We want to work with you, regardless of your financial situation.

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Jackson & Pierce Traverse- GHC Community Day Hike

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