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Parent IEP Education Group- 10 Week Program

  • Virtual Program- Google Meets (map)

ESPECIALLY EDUCATED- Virtual Parent Education Group

Golden Hour Counseling, LLC collaborates with Amber Dupont, Special Education Teacher to offer parents information about Individual Education Plans and Special Education support for students accessing public education. Amber holds over 10 years of experience working with youth in public settings where students receive special education support.

Join us for 10 weeks of curriculum structured for parents across settings. In this course, you will learn how to advocate for mental health needs with your child in mind as they enter public sector special education support.

Program Overview - 10 Week Breakdown

  1. Meet and Greet. Review and understand the special education referral process, types of evaluations, IEP timelines, and the components of an IEP vs 504 plans.

  2. Goals and Objectives. Discuss IEP goals,progress monitoring, and parent teacher collaboration.

  3. Accommodations and Modifications. Learn about IEP accommodations and modifications and their impact on statewide, district-wide, and teacher created assessments.

  4. Specialized and Approved Services. Information related to extended schooling and specialized transportation.

  5. Paraprofessionals and the multidisciplinary team. Preschool (itinerant vs in program) and Birth to 3

  6. Special Education Law. Laws ensure students the right to a free and appropriate public education.

  7. Procedural Safeguards. Know legal protections for students with disabilities and their families.

  8. Outplacement, Inplacement, and Private Schooling. Outplacements/private schools vs the public sector as well as technical schools

  9. Independent Living Preparation. Understand options of transition services, job coaches, and group homes.

  10. Mediation and Review of IEP Timelines. Mediation is a voluntary process where parents and schools resolve disputes with the help of a neutral third party, while the review of IEP timelines refers to the regular assessment and updating of a student's Individualized Education Program to ensure it meets their evolving needs, typically done at least once a year.

Progam Overview & Requirements

  • Each individual class is billed at 38.50$ per meeting. Clients are welcome to access more mental health related support through Golden Hour Counseling, PLLC for each indivudial session moving forward. Please note that GHC is enrolloning for clients who are willing to meet this 10 week commitment. This event is made for general community members to access at any given time or location. Meetings will be recorded with all members able to access content post-meeting. Please feel comfortable to join our mental health or counseling initiatives at to learn more,

July 19

Welch Dickey Loop- GHC Community Hike